It’s time for the NFL to start paying for Videos

The NFL can no longer plead ignorance… maybe they could in the Ray Rice case, but that time has long since passed. Nearly five years have passed since the NFL butchered their investigation attempt and badly misread the public response to the disciplining (or lack there) of one of their most popular players. During the…

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Mike Kudla; A Friend… A Roommate… A Buckeye

The news of Mike Kudla’s passing was a swift punch to the gut on a humid July morning.   After reading a text from another teammate asking if, “I had heard about Kudes”, it was highly unlikely the news was good, but never did I expect that he had passed away. It seemed almost surreal…

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NCAA transfer rule has no teeth: It passes the buck again

On June 13th the NCAA passed what many believed was monumental legislation. A chance to to finally give the “student athletes” some of the power and freedom of mobility that nearly all of the millionaire head coaches possess.   It was a chance for players to change schools without the player’s current institution having the…

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The Father’s Day Lesson

Father’s Day for so many men means a day at the golf course with their dad, possibly watching the US Open, and usually bungling through a difficult gift selection and expression of feelings. Men in America, or maybe men in general have a terrible time expressing their feelings… especially when it comes to talking about…

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Former Buckeye Malcolm Jenkins will not be silenced

You may love the anthem protests….. You may hate them.   While I personally don’t agree with the way many in the NFL have went about expressing their objections to the problems they see in America. Malcolm Jenkins refused to let him message get lost in the bantering between the NFL and the White House….…

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Former Ohio State QB Joe Burrow: The Bayou Bengal

The wait is over for former Ohio State Quarterback… His transfer is now official, as Joe Burrow announced on Twitter Friday his intention to continue his football career and graduate studies at LSU.   Excited to be playing in Death Valley next season. Ready to get to work. — Joey Burrow (@JoeyB) May 19, 2018…

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Sports’ Betting Finally Unleashed

One Monday, May 14th the United States Supreme Court ruled that Congress could not limit sports’ betting to specific states.   In other words, Nevada had just lost their monopoly on the gaming world.   No longer will someone have to fly to the desert to place a legal wager on a game or person,…

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The NFL Draft Day Experience

The NFL Draft is the biggest event of the off season. For the 256 players drafted it will be a chance to live out their dream. Getting drafted into the NFL and hearing your named called seems the pinnacle of every little fantasy. The day for many will be incredibly stressful. Even though most of…

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