"A wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement." ~ Thomas Jefferson
“According to Carp” was created to help give me an extended platform to dive into topics that may not necessary fit into a standard TV or radio show. All of the great stories and issues that may not be able to be covered will be elaborated on in one entertaining podcast. It is also a great forum to interview prominent athletes and allow everyone to get to know them in a personal way.
The uninterrupted interviews will touch on a myriad of topics and should be extremely entertaining. The final portion will be reoccurring guest hosts to help break down a variety of topics ranging from Game of Thrones to all things football. The two targets of every episode are to be informative and entertaining. Whether it’s just me or someone riding shotgun, we will strive to provoke thought.
For potential topics or suggestions feel free to contact me.

While at Ohio State I would typically workout in the 6 AM lifting group. I have always been someone who loves to wake up and get my day started with a workout. After lifting, the daily schedule would consist of heading back to my apartment and eating breakfast before heading off to class. While eating breakfast it became routine to turn on ESPN2’s Cold Pizza (which later became 1st Take). The 1st and 10 debate portion always peaked my interest so it was a no brainer when the producer asked me to join the debate desk in 2008. Since that introduction into the realm of sport’s media, I have been on a wide variety of channels such as, Fox News, the ESPN family of networks, and The Big Ten Network. Now ESPN has offered me the opportunity come on weekly during the season provide color commentary for ESPN3 games and NFL analysis during the Sunday games on ESPN Radio. After nearly 5 years of daily radio, enough experience had finally been gained to launch “According to Carp.”
People are really only the sum of their experiences and how they choose to utilize that experience. As the oldest of 4 boys and the son of a career coaches (Dad is football and Mom is swimming) our household was as competitive as they come. My brothers and I competed for everything. Whether it was swimming, football, basketball, cards or just getting your portion of dinner, it was always a contest. This shaped my love of sports and competition. The daily inspirational quotes from my parents only enhanced it. They led by their selfless example of commitment to youth sports. I watched them mold so many young people that it became the inspiration for why I love to speak to groups. If one person walks away with something new, then it was worth every minute. Playing for my father was terrific and sometimes terrible, but it helped to prepare me for the challenges I would face at both Ohio State and in the NFL. As a 10 year NFL veteran, he experienced the challenges and pitfalls that plague many athletes. After a National Championship with the Buckeyes in 2002 and a terrific college experience, I was fortunate enough to be drafted in the 1st round by the Dallas Cowboys. Through my 7 year career I played for the Cowboys, Rams, Dolphins, Lions and finally the Patriots.

After finishing my NFL career I had concerns (like most players) about where my life would lead me. As part of my attempt to be a lifelong learner, I returned to Ohio State’s Fisher School of Business in the Fall of 2013 to pair an MBA in Finance & Strategy with my Undergraduate degree in Economics. The Ohio State University has been and will always be a special part of my life. Not only was it where I attended school… twice, but I now with be co teaching a Finance Class at The Fisher College of Business utilizing all of the skills I learned in school and at OSU. I was also fortune enough to meet the mother of my children during my sophomore year. We now have 4 wonderful children whom we raise in central Ohio. At my core I am a competitive guy with Midwestern values. Faith, family and sports are my passions and I am blessed to live them everyday.