NCAA transfer rule has no teeth: It passes the buck again

On June 13th the NCAA passed what many believed was monumental legislation. A chance to to finally give the “student athletes” some of the power and freedom of mobility that nearly all of the millionaire head coaches possess.   It was a chance for players to change schools without the player’s current institution having the…

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Former Ohio State QB Joe Burrow: The Bayou Bengal

The wait is over for former Ohio State Quarterback… His transfer is now official, as Joe Burrow announced on Twitter Friday his intention to continue his football career and graduate studies at LSU.   Excited to be playing in Death Valley next season. Ready to get to work. — Joey Burrow (@JoeyB) May 19, 2018…

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The NFL Draft Day Experience

The NFL Draft is the biggest event of the off season. For the 256 players drafted it will be a chance to live out their dream. Getting drafted into the NFL and hearing your named called seems the pinnacle of every little fantasy. The day for many will be incredibly stressful. Even though most of…

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Road to the Draft: Phase V Draft Day

Uncertainty. It’s the feeling that permeates every NFL prospect on the draft day. No matter whether they’re a sure fire top 10 selection or they’re just hoping to hear their name called at some point late Saturday afternoon. The feelings are the same because the next few hours… or days will determine the city where…

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Road to the Draft: Phase IV Pro Days, Workouts and Visits

The combine has come and gone. Teams now know almost all of the personal information they deem necessary to make and informed decision on whether they should draft a player. All of the medical evaluation is over and preliminary interviews have passed, but there is still more to do. For players who didn’t run at…

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Road to the Draft: Phase III The Combine

It’s finally here. It’s the thought that permeates the minds of all NFL hopefuls as they travel to Indianapolis for the four day extravaganza known as the NFL Combine. All the little league practices, high school 2-A-Days, and endless hours spent in college facilities have led to the opportunity to show case their skills in…

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Road to the Draft: Phase II Combine Training

The All Stars games have all passed and nearly everyone should be recovered from any offseason surgeries. Now begins the race to Indianapolis and Phase II of the draft process. The second leg of the five phase draft process is the longest, but the most important because it will determine how prospects will perform for…

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Road to the Draft: Phase I The ALL STAR Games

The NFL draft is rapidly approaching and whether you are excited to see who your NFL team is looking to select or you just want to follow your favorite college player to his new team; there are really five distinct phases that lead to the big day. In this four part series I will break…

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“Anything” can happen

Anger versus Apathy. It’s a struggle many Buckeye fans were worried about heading into the premier rivalry in all of sports. It’s a tough question to answer. How would elite college players respond after a gut wrenching loss that all but eliminated their hopes of a second straight national title? Anger vs. Apathy…. How will…

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